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Nagy, E, Nagy, G. 2019. Az állam szerepe a városi terek fogyasztásközpontú “újratermelésében” (State agency in the consumption-centred restructuring of urban spaces) Tér és Társadalom 33(4) pp. 61-86. https://tet.rkk.hu/index.php/TeT/article/view/3192
Görmar, F., Grillitsch, M., Hruška, V., Mihály, M., Nagy, E., Písa, J., Stihl, L. (2022): Power relations and local agency: a comparative study of European mining towns. Urban Research and Practice (1753-5069 1753-5077): 2022 online: 28 Mar Paper 10.1080/17535069.2022.2051066. 24 p.
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Görmar, F. and Kinossian, N. (2019) Agents of Change in Old Industrial Regions of Europe. The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, June 16–19 2019.
Grillitsch, M. and Sotarauta, M. (2019) Trinity of Change Agency. The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, June 16–19 2019.
Píša, J. (2019) Aktéři změny: hledání modelových lokalit (Agents of change: looking for case study localities). Conference Společnost a prostor (Space and society), Charles University in Prague and Palacký University in Olomouc, Olomouc, 3 April 2019.
Stihl, L. and Rekers, J. (2019) ”We were only managing our legacy” Forms of agency in Olofström’s development path from supply chain to regional cluster”. The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, June 16–19 2019
Görmar, F. (2019): Agents of change: Narratives and imaginaries for old-industrial towns. The paper was given at “Future directions of resilience research in economic geography“ conference in Leipzig (06/11/2019)
Mihály, M. (2019): Mapping the environmental and social conflicts of the economic restructuring in a formerly socialist model city The paper was given at “Cities after transition” conference in Belgrade (25-29 September 2019) https://catference2019-belgrade.rs/programme
Nagy, E., Nagy, G. (2019): Consumption-centred urban restructuring – understanding state agency in a peripheral context . The paper was given at the Annual Conference of RGS- IBG, London (26-29/08/2019)
Franziska Görmar, Nadir Kinossian: Negotiating change: narratives in old-industrial regions in Germany [PPT]
Jan Piša, Vladan Hruška: Agents of change in old industrial regions: motivations, barriers and incentives [PPT]
Melinda Mihály, Erika Nagy: Contesting centrality and peripherality: Agents, strategies and changing dependencies shaping economic recovery in old CEE industrial centres [PPT]